Past performance is not indicative of future results; due to market volatility and economic conditions, each account’s performance will be different. Content is for informational purposes only and should only be used by sophisticated investors who are knowledgeable of the risks involved. For a comprehensive list of risks, view Delphia (USA) Inc., Firm Brochure, and our Monthly Performance Report.
Performance of Delphia Cayman Master Fund (the Fund) is shown net of fees and includes the deduction of all standard fees calculated with the highest rate charged, expenses and estimated incentive allocation.
Numerai, Eurekahedge Equity Market Neutral Hedge Fund Index, Barclay Equity Market Neutral Index, and AQR Equity Market Neutral Fund., hereinafter referred to as “Illustrative Benchmarks”. Numerai performance is reported net of fees using Founders Class structure of: 1% Management fee and 20% Performance fee. Eurekahedge Equity Market Neutral Hedge Fund Index returns are measured in terms of the gain/loss of the total portfolio values by performance (net of all fees) and net AUM inflow/outflow are excluded from it. Barclay Equity Market Neutral Index returns only includes net returns that funds provide as part of their index calculation. AQR Equity Market Neutral Fund returns assume reinvestment of dividends and capital gains.
Results for the Fund as compared to the performance of Illustrative Benchmarks are for informational purposes only. The Fund’s investment program does not mirror that of the Illustrative Benchmarks and the volatility may be materially different from the volatility of Illustrative Benchmarks. Reference or comparison to an Illustrative Benchmark does not imply that the Fund will be constructed in the same way as the Illustrative Benchmark or achieve returns, volatility, or other results similar to those of the Illustrative Benchmark. Performance figures were accessed from the respective funds’ websites on 8/24/2022. Compound returns are cumulative. The Fund Inception Date is April 1, 2021.
2021 results for the Fund and the Illustrative Benchmarks are measured from April to December. 2022 year-to-date results for the Fund and the Illustrative Benchmarks are measured from January to July. Content is for informational purposes only and should only be used by sophisticated investors who are knowledgeable of the risks involved.